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Lifestyle tips for diabetic patients

It may not be easy to manage diabetes, but with right lifestyle adjustments, dealing with the condition becomes a lot easier. Here are some very important hints for your healthy living while keeping your diabetes under control.

Balanced Diet:

balanced diet is of utmost importance for diabetic patients. Try and eat whole grains, lean proteins and make sure that you have plenty of vegetables. Avoid processed foods and sugary snacks. Healthy fats found in avocados, nuts and olive oil can also be incorporated in the diets of a diabetic patient .However remember portion control is key to preventing spikes in blood sugar.

Regular Exercise:

For managing diabetes you need to keep moving around . Aim at doing moderate exercises such as walking most days of the week or swimming or cycling if you can for at least 30 minutes every day. This helps regulate blood sugar levels and boosts cardiovascular health.

Monitor Blood Sugar Levels:

It is necessary to monitor ones blood glucose level frequently by using a reliable glucometer and recording its readings .This way one understands how different foods, activities as well as stress affect their sugar levels hence they can adjust accordingly.


Diabetic patients usually fail to appreciate the essence of keeping hydrated. Water stabilizes blood sugar levels thus supports kidney function. Diabetic people should drink 8 glasses of water each day; avoid drinks packed with sugar or too much caffeine.

Stress Management:

Continuous stress affects adversely the sugar levels; yoga, meditation as well as taking deep breaths are among some ways through which stress can be minimized. Make sleep a priority aim at 7-8 hours every night that are restful.

Regular Medical Check-ups:

Routine visits to a doctor are quite essential. Apart from checking other complications in diabetic patients like retinopathy, neuropathy or cardiovascular problems if any, this helps in detecting earlier and managing .

Following these lifestyle tips can greatly improve your life as well as make diabetes more manageable. Remember that small changes can have great impacts on your health. Stay active, stay knowledgeable and live a healthy life.

If you require personalized advice, please don’t hesitate to speak with your health care provider today.

Dr. Pradeep Mahajan is a renowned regenerative medicine researcher with over 30+ years of experience in managing diabetes and metabolic disorders. His all-encompassing ways underscore modifications in one’s lifestyle as the basis for its management.
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Written by

Dr. Pradeep Mahajan


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