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Diabetes and Stem Cell Therapy: What You Should Know

Diabetes is a lifelong condition that millions around the globe suffer from. It is characterized by the body's inability to produce or appropriately use insulin, leading to an excess of sugar in the blood. Treatment is usually done with lifestyle changes, medications, and insulin therapy, but recent advancements in stem cell therapy are bringing new hope for patients who have diabetes.

The main feature of these cells is their potential to differentiate into any type of cells and to regenerate and heal tissues injured actively. This approach is applied to diabetes to generate new, originally from the pancreas, insulin-producing beta cells. Stem cells under investigation include embryonic stem cells, induced pluripotent stem cells, and adult stem cells.

Embryonic Stem Cells (ESCs): They can differentiate into any cell type, be it a pancreatic beta cell. However, they find limited use because of ethical concerns and possibilities of tumor formation.

Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPSCs): These are adult cells reprogrammed to an embryonic-like state. They may differentiate into beta cells, making therapy a personalized approach without any problems with ESC use from an ethical angle.

Adult Stem Cells: These are known as mesenchymal stem cells, derived from either bone marrow or adipose tissue. MSCs have immunomodulatory characteristics along with the potential to promote tissue repair. However, their ability to differentiate into beta cells is limited.

Trials in humans to test the safety and efficacy of this therapy are ongoing. Early outcomes show promise, with blood sugar control improving and a reduction in the need for insulin. Other problems lie with immune rejection, stable functionality of beta cells, and mass production of cells.

Stem cell therapy for diabetes is one of the newest breakthrough treatments that could change for good the face of this condition among those living with it. Though not a cure, new research and clinical advancements hold out hope for the future when diabetes may be adequately managed or even eradicated.

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Written by

Dr. Pradeep Mahajan


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