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Whole Body Vibration


WBV at StemRx Hospital involves the application of electrical currents to activate muscles and nerves. Faradic stimulation delivers short bursts of electrical current to induce muscle contractions, while galvanic stimulation applies a continuous direct current to the body. These techniques are used to improve muscle strength, reduce pain, and promote tissue healing.


WBV at StemRx Hospital are utilized in physical therapy for various musculoskeletal conditions, including muscle weakness, paralysis, and pain. They are also effective in promoting circulation, reducing swelling, and improving muscle tone. Patients undergoing WBV experience targeted muscle activation and pain relief.


Compared to conventional therapies, WBV at StemRx Hospital offer several advantages. Firstly, they provide targeted muscle activation and pain relief without the need for medications or invasive procedures, reducing the risk of side effects and complications. Additionally, WBV can be adjusted to target specific muscle groups or nerve pathways, allowing for personalized treatment plans tailored to each patient's needs. Moreover, these techniques are non-invasive and generally well-tolerated, making them suitable for patients of all ages and fitness levels. Overall, WBV at StemRx Hospital offer a safe, effective, and versatile approach to muscle rehabilitation and pain management.